The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m.

The minutes of the last General Meeting will read and accepted, as were the minutes of the last Executive Committee read by George Cusson.

Jim Farrew gave an oral report on the first advisory board meeting of the semester.

The nominees for the office of first Vice President world Lorin Johnson and Ed Pelletier.  Lorin was elected to fill the vacancy.

Jack Kooyoomjian introduced the following motion.  Move: that APO office some type of material reward to the winning organization in the UMOC Campus Chest Contest.  (Carried 11 to nine).  The brothers then moves that no more than $25 to be appropriated for said award (carried unanimously).

Jack also introduced the following; move: that APO and GSS unconditional basis in the future, register for one dance each semester and cosponsor the aforesaid dance upon the mutual agreement of each organization; this to become effective next semester on a trial basis.  The brotherhood accepted this motion. 

The part of the unanimously voted to make Ruth Ames and Maureen Flavin mascots of Kappa Omicron chapter. 

The brotherhood accepted the Executive Board's recommendation that the Fellowship Chairman be made in nonvoting member of the Executive Board.

The president agreed to reimburse the drivers for expenses incurred on the trip to the Appalachian Mountain Lodge.

It was unanimously voted that the critique begin $25 from the general fund to cover operating expenses.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:
Robert Johnson
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes